autumn detox release

autumn detox release

Hey Folks, After a wonderful summer in Ibiza of eating and drinking alot I decided to do a gentle detox for the month of October. So thought I would share my little tips with you incase you are feeling the same.

I am not doing a very extreme detox, just cutting out:
alcohol, caffeine, dairy, sugar, wheat and red meat

For the first 10 days I start my day with a detox drink that I mix myself (which my herbalist friend Jodie recommended) which is:

juice from 1 lemon
1 table spoon of olive oil
1 clove of fresh garlic
1 cube of fresh ginger
half a pint of fresh apple juice

Mix all this in a blender and drink it! It cleans the liver. Wait a couple of hours before eating breakfast which could be fruit or musli with rice milk, or porridge, for lunch some protein(tofu,eggs,beans, fish) with veggies or salad and the same in the evening.
I am eating carbohydrates but less than normal and eating the whole grain carbohydrates. I’m trying not to combine carbohydrates with protein but eating them by themselves with veggies or salad.

I’m eating alot of veggies and fruit, drinking alot of herbal teas and water.

How am I feeling? Well on the third day I got a headache but after that I’ve just been feeling lots more energy, clear headed and positive!

Any questions let me know on

Have a good detox!!