Head Massage!

When I lived in New York in the late 80’s and used to work as a schampooer in a hair salon in East Village called ‘RIAH’.  I used to schampoo people’s hair but also always give people a head massage and that was my first contact with massage and part of my interest in massage. In my therapeutic massage, head massage is an important part of it and most people love it when I massage their scalp and head so I thought I’d brief you a little bit about what head massage is, how it helps you and where it comes from….

For Centuries, head massage has played an essential part in Ayurvedic medicine, widely practised throughout India and some parts of Asia. In India it is still a regular aspect of daily life, and head massage is frequently practised on the street corners. However, this ancient art is also highly practical and relevant to the Western world.

Head massage combines energy-based pressure-point techniques with more traditional massage strokes such as rubbing and stroking, thus working on the body’s energy system as well as its physical structure. In addition to fucusing on the head, it also targets the upper back, shoulders and neck area – significant places in the body where we store tension.

Head massage is particularly helful for relieving tension commonly found in the upper back, shoulders and neck area.

It’s such a great release with head massage! Enjoy!

Love and light
